Rear Admiral William (Bill) D. Masters, Jr of Ormond Beach, Florida a long time member and ardent supporter of the Florida Chapter NCVA passed away on Tuesday, April 4 2023. He will be always remembered and greatly missed.
There will be a celebration of life on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 2:30pm At the Halifax River Yacht Club, 331 South Beach Street, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114. If you choose to wear a uniform (optional), the uniform is Service Dress Blue. Please arrive at least a little early. The family has requested in lieu of flowers, please donate To the Honor Flight Network (honorflight.org) or American Heart Association (heart.org). His obituary is posted at https://baldwincremation.com/obituaries/william-masters-jr/.
If you will be attending please RSVP by this Saturday, April 8th to John Koval. Ph: (321) 277-6180; Email: johnkoval46@gmail.com